Go the Distance


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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


**On a 2:00 Clock:**

5 PVC Pass throughs

5 Muscle Snatches

10 Lateral Hops Over PVC

5 Air Squats

**Snatch Warm-up | Progression**

5 Reps

1) Drop to Partial Squat // Feet move from hip width to squat width

2) Drop + Bar Overhead // Press up hard

3) Snatch Balance // Drop and punch the bar overhead

4) High Pull to Landing // Keep the bar close and punch the arms overhead aggressively

5) Shrug to Landing // Shrug before pulling under the bar

6) High Hang Snatch // Full extension before pulling and punching with your arms

7) Mid-thigh Snatch // Full extension before pulling and punching with your arms

8) Full Snatch // Move slowly past the knees and keep the bar in contact with your body


Snatch (1 RM)

*20 minutes to find a 1RM


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

10 Rounds For Time:

1 Power Snatch (155/115#)

3 Overhead Squats


10 Rounds For Time:

1 Power Snatch (135/95#)

3 Overhead Squats


10 Rounds For Time:

2 Power Snatches (95/65#)

5 Overhead Squats

*12 minutes

Cool Down


1:00 Couch Stretch / Leg

1:00 Foam Roll Upper Back