Cannot come to us? Then we can come to you—online


CrossFit Belleville understands that not all work schedules allow for regular gym visits. With strange times, we also understand that not everyone feels comfortable in a group environment or simply cannot. Class schedules may not line up with your work hours, such as for medical professionals working 12-hour shifts or individuals who work nights. This does not mean CrossFit is out of your reach. If you cannot come to us, then we can come to you—online.


During these strange times, maintaining physical strength and inner calm is vital to your physical and mental health. Start working 1-on-1 with a coach to improve your health and wellness from the safety of your home.

What’s the first step? Book a No Sweat Intro here. We can either do so in person or over the phone. On that meet we will build a custom plan and be there to hold you accountable every step of the way. Are you looking for more of a 1-on-1 coaching? You may be looking for personal training and we can help with that! Visit our Personal Training page to learn more about our programs!

Equipment needed: No specific equipment is required! We can adapt our program to work with whatever you have available to you whether it’s milk jugs, bricks or kettlebells! We also can offer equipment packages as an add on.


  • 20-minute consultation, equipment review and goal-setting session.
  • Customized warm-ups and workouts emailed one week in advance with instructions and coaching cues. These workouts are created to improve general strength and conditioning and are customized to the individual by our head coach.
  • Your coach will also provide strategy, tips for success and helpful info.
  • Access to our private Facebook group.
  • Online goal-setting sessions once a month with your coach.

Cost: $135 + HST monthly recurring membership 


Nutrition is definitely the foundation of health and wellness. No matter how on-point your workout routine is, a poor diet will counteract it every time. Nutrition is not just a matter of eating healthy foods. How much you are eating is just as important as what you are eating. For example, not eating enough protein can hinder muscle gains while excess fat consumption can delay weight loss. Whatever your fitness goal happens to be, our Nutrition Coach, Cheryl can help get you there.