
CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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6 min AMRAP

Jog/Run 400m

10 Alternating or Regular V-Ups

10 Glute Bridge

10 PVC Strict Press (:2 pause at the top)

5 Slow Squats (:3 down)

10 Abmat Sit-Up

Metcon Prep

**3-5 Repetitions of Each:**

Focus: Neutral Spine!!!

1. **Deadlift to Mid-Thigh** Focus: Pulling from the ground with a neutral spine -1st Pull

2. **Mid-Thigh to Shrug aka the “Finish!”** Focus: Timing – 2nd pull

3. **Power Clean** – Focus: Patience!

4. **Strict Press** – Focus: Strong overhead position

5. **Push Jerk** – Focus: “Torso tall” in the dip, and “Punch Up” aggressively on the bar.

6. **Clean & Jerk** – Focus: NEUTRAL SPINE

7. **Barbell Cycling** – 5 Unbroken Clean & Jerk

This Little Gym Piggy (Time)

3 Rounds For Time:

400 Meter Run

24 GHD Sit-Ups (or Overhead Medball Abmat Sit-Ups)

12 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

L3: 95/65

L2: 200m Run, Abmat Situps, 45/35


Equipment Free

Metcon (Time)

**3 Rounds For Time:**

400 Meter Run

30 Sit-Ups

30 Lunges (in-place)

30 Push-Ups

*20min Cap

After Party


Empty Barbell Rows

Empty Barbell Curls
