CrossFit Belleville – WOD
2 Rounds
:30 Bottom of Squat Hold
3 x Goblet Squat
3 x Weighted Reverse Lunges (each leg)
:20 Handstand Hold or Feet on Box Hold
3 x Negative Handstand Push-Ups w/ a :2 hold at the bottom (before coming off the wall)
3 x Strict Handstand Push-Up
:10 Hang from the Bar
3 Strict Pull-Ups or Banded Strict Pull-Ups
3 Weighted Pull-Ups x 1 or 3 Banded Negative Pull-Ups
Accessory Work
Body Armor
3 Sets:
10 Double Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (Right)
10 Double Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (Left)
10 Double Dumbbell Step Back Lunges (Alternate/5 each)
* Sets Are Intended To Be Unbroken
** 10 Minutes
Swolly Swolly (Time)
Strict Handstand Push-Up
Weighted Pull-Up or Renegade Rows
*22 Minutes
After Party
Pigeon Pose : 90 sec each side