It’s a surprise!

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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215 Children (Time)

215 double unders

21 handstand push-ups *Hand release Push ups*

5 clean and jerks (135/95 pounds)

21 burpees

5 clean and jerks

21 box jumps

5 clean and jerks

21 kettlebell swings

5 clean and jerks

21 lunges

5 clean and jerks

21 pull-ups *Bent Over Rows*

5 clean and jerks

21 med ball squat cleans (20/14 pounds)

5 clean and jerks

21 toes-to-bar *V-Ups*

5 clean and jerks

1,996 meter row or run

*40min Cap

We honour the lives and spirits of the 215 innocent children who were recently discovered on the prpeerty of the Kamloops Residential School

“In CrossFit, it’s often said to take it out on the barbell and the hero WODs have always aligned with our faith. Those WODs are not about us, but about these people we are choosing to honor and respect.”