Time after time

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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Warm up/Mobility

**On an 8:00 Clock**

8 Alternating Spiderman

8 Alternating Knees-to-Elbow in Plank

8 Scap Pull-ups

8 Cossack Squats

8 Kip Swings

100m Run


On a 8:00 Clock:

L-Sit Hang

– Perform 5 Handstand Push ups every time you break the L-sit.

Metcon Prep

**2 Sets:**

:30 Kip Swings or Hollow Rocks

:30 Bar Muscle-up Floor Drill

**2 Sets:**

:30 Kip Swings + Hips to Bar

:30 Bar Muscle-up Floor Drill

**2 Sets:**

:30 Pull-ups or Chest-to-Bar

:30 Jumping Bar Muscle-ups

**On a 5:00 Clock**

1-3 Bar muscle-ups or scaling option


Fig (Time)

– RX –

400m Run

50 Sit-ups

25 Bar Muscle-ups

50 Sit-ups

15 Bar Muscle-ups

*17 Minutes

– LEVEL 2 –

*15 Bar Muscle-ups

15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

– LEVEL 1 –

300m Run

25 Sit-ups

25 Push-ups

25 Sit-ups

25 KB Swings (55/35)

Cool Down


1:00 Cobra

1:00 Banded Pull Aparts