“We Love Our Members” BBQ is August 21st between 11am-1:30pm. There will be lots of food thanks to TruLocal and yard games! Feel free to bring your spouse, bf/gf, family, etc! PLEASE RSVP so we can prepare enough food!
CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**3 Sets**
:20 Toe Touch + Jump
– Rest :10
:20 Mountain Climbers
– Rest :10
Barbell Warm up -(Snatch) (No Measure)
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Snatch Grip Push Press
5 Overhead Squats
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
Weightlifting Prep
**Progression // Focus**
1) Snatch Deadlift // Setup
2) Snatch Deadlift + Shrug // Speed after the bar passes the knees
3) Muscle Snatch // Stand-Pull-Punch
4) Partial Overhead Squat // Press up into the bar, Hips press back, Keep bar over body.
5) Hang Power Snatch // Extend the hips before arm pull.
6) Power Snatch // Extend the hips before arm pull
3 Position Snatch (EMOM 12)
High Hang- Hang – Floor
*Add weight when appropriate
Metcon Prep
3 reps x 3 sets
*practicing cycling
*8 minutes
Isabel (Time)
For Time: 30 Snatches, 135# / 95#
*10 minutes
Cool Down
**3 Sets**
:30 Reach Roll & Lift
:30 Seated Torso Twist / Side
:30 Frog Stretch