

💥Calling all Kids 6-13! Our Spartans Program is starting September 14th, 2021! Register online NOW!💥

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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Metcon (Time)

– RX –

10 Rounds For Time With a Partner:

200m DB Farmer Carry

10 Weighted Pull-ups (35/25#)

20 Alternating DB Power Snatches (55/35#)

– Men use one 55# and one 35# DB and women use one 35# and one 25# DB for farmer carries.


10 Rounds For Time With a Partner:

200m DB Carry

10 Strict Pull-ups

20 Alternating DB Power Snatches (35/25#)

– Men use one 35# and one 25# DB and women use one 25# and one 15# DB for farmer carries.


10 Rounds For Time With a Partner:

200m Plate Carry (25/15#)

10 Ring Rows

20 Plate Ground-to-Overhead (25/15#)

*35 minutes

*Both go on the Farmer Carry

*Pull ups/Snatches divide