CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**Set 1**
10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch
10 Prone Arch-ups
10 Straight Leg Sit-ups
**Set 2**
20 Alternating Knee-to-Elbow in Plank
20 Hollow Rocks
20 Alternating V-ups
* :30sec
* Focus on the Kip Swing and aggressive press down in the back swing to maximize height.
1) Position on the Pull-up Bar // Grip and Active hang on bar
2) Kip Swing // Fast transition between hollow and arch body positions
3) 2 Kip Swing + 2 Knees Above Hips // Knee up in the hollow position
4) 2 Kip Swing + 2 Knees-to-Armpits // Aggressive press down in the back swing, lean back, and drive knees up
5) 2 Kip Swing + 2 Knees-to-Armpits + 1 Toes-to-bar // Knees up and extend legs towards the bar
6) Multiple Toes-to-Bar // Continue to press down in the back swing of each rep
*8 minutes
Weightlifting Prep
**Power Clean Progression & Loading
* Set up: heels down, shoulders slightly in front of the bar, hips in between shoulders and knees, and back should be flat.
5 Reps each with an Empty Barbell
1) Clean Grip Deadlift // Hips and shoulders rise together as you pull the bar into body.
2) Clean Deadlift + Shrug // Patient speed until you get to the thighs and then accelerate through a shrug.
3) Partial Front Squats // Rack position and foot position.
4) Hang Power Clean // Jump and land in a partial front squat. Focus on footwork and fast elbows.
5) Power Clean // Patient off the floor with an aggressive jump after the bar passes the knees. Focus on pulling the bar into the body at all times.
*6 minutes
Power Clean (Find a Heavy single)
* Build up in load.
* The goal is to hit a heavy power clean for the day. This weight should be heavier than the weight the you will be using in the workout.
*20 minutes
Clean Toes (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
– RX –
5 Power Cleans (205/145#)
10 Toes-to-Bar
5 Power Cleans (155/105#)
10 Toes-to-Bar
5 Power Cleans (75/55#)
10 Hanging Knee Raises
EMOM 10:
1-5 Unbroken Bar Muscle-ups
Cool Down
:90 Doorway Stretch / Side
:90 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side
:90 Banded Rack Stretch / Side