Over it

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**Set 1**

20 Strokes using arms only

10 Push-ups to Down Dog

**Set 2**

20 Strokes using arms and body only

:10 Top of Ring Dip Support

:10 Bottom of Ring Dip Support

* Place feet on the ground during ring support drills if you are unable to support yourself on the rings.

**Set 3**

20 Strokes using arms, body, and half slide.

10 Jumping Ring Dips or Foot Assisted Dips

**Set 4**

20 Strokes using arms, body, and full slide.

5-10 Ring Dips, Foot Assisted Dips, or Box Dips

**Turkish Get-up Progression **

1) Start on your back with one arm extended. Plant the foot of the loaded side.

2) Push with the flexed leg and free arm to a seated position.

3) The extended leg then moves through and back into a lunge.

4) Then stand to full hip and leg extension to complete the lift.

* Throughout the entire lift, keep the loaded arm locked out and your eyes on the load through the entire lift.

Warm up to your metcon weight

*15 minutes


Taste of Turkey (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



20/15 Calorie Row

15 Ring Dips

10 DB Turkish Get-ups (50/35#)



15/10 Calorie Row

10 Ring Dips

10 DB Turkish Get-ups (35/20#)



10/6 Calorie Row

15 Leg-Assisted Ring Dips

10 DB Turkish Get-ups (10/5#)


3 Sets:

15 DB Bent Over Rows / Arm

15 Seated Leg Raise Over DB

*12 Minutes

Cool Down

:90 Reach, Roll, and Lift

:90 Seated Torso Twist / Side

:90 Frog Stretch