False Alarm

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**AMRAP 6**

20 Double Knee Tuck in Plank

10 ATY Drills (use small plates or DB’s)

:20 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Arm

Metcon Prep

1) :10 Ring Support (Top & Bottom of Dip) // Body control and support on the rings.

* Lower the rings a little and place a foot or two on the ground.

2) Ring Dip // Body support while being dynamic and pressing strength

* Lower the rings a little and place a foot or two on the ground.

3) False Grip Ring Row // Practicing the grip required for a strict muscle-up and pulling strength.

* Maintain the false grip through each rep.

* Pull to your sternum.

4) Floor Muscle-up Transition // Use the legs and pull rings low to the chest and transition through to the bottom of the dip.

5) Increase Difficulty // Walk feet out inch by inch


Muscle Up (Time)

– RX –

For Time:

30 Strict Muscle-ups

*12 min



3 Strict False Grip Ring Pull-ups

3 Strict Ring Dips



3 False Grip Ring Rows

3 Jumping Ring Dips

3 Push-ups



50 Toes to Rings

– Every break perform 10 DB hang muscle cleans (50s/35s)

*8 minutes


3 Rounds For Distance:

:30 Row Slow

2:00 Row Fast

1:00 Row Slow

:30 Row Fast

– Rest 3:00 between rounds

Cool Down

3 Sets:

:30 Cross Body Shoulder Stretch / Side

10 A-T-Y Drill