Final push

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**Set 1**

10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch

10 Plank to Down Dog

**Set 2**

:30 Skier Jacks

10 Inch worms

10 Hand Release Push-ups

**Set 3**

:30 Mountain Climbers

:30 Piked Push-ups or Handstand Push-up Negatives

**Set 4**

:30 Double Knee Tuck in Plank

:30 Handstand Push-ups

Weightlifting Prep

**Power Snatch Progression**

* Set-up: heels down, shoulders slightly in front of the bar, hips in between shoulders and knees, and back should be flat.

Empty Barbell

1) Snatch Deadlift + Shrug // Set-up

2) Muscle Snatch // Stand-Pull-Punch

3) Snatch Drops // Jump feet from hip to shoulder width

4) Hang Power Snatch // Extend the hips before arm pull

5) Power Snatch // Extend the hips before arm pull


SP + HPS (EMOM 12)

1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Power Snatch


Lane (5 Rounds for reps)

5 Rounds for Max Reps of:

¾ bodyweight hang power snatches

Handstand push-ups

Rest as needed between rounds.
To learn more about Lane click here

5 Rounds For Reps:

Max Unbroken Hang Power Snatches (1/2 bodyweight)

1:00 Max Handstand Push-ups

– Rest as needed between sets


5 Rounds For Reps:

Max Unbroken Hang Power Snatches (65/55#)

1:00 Max Push-ups

– Rest as needed between sets

*20 minutes


EMOM 10:

2 Pike Handstand Walks (around box)

Cool Down

3 Sets:

:30 Doorway Stretch / Side

1:00 Prone Snow Angel