Fear causes hesitation

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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10 ATY Raises

20 Hand Release Push-ups

30 Shoulder Taps in Plank

40 Skier Jacks

Try to get hips as high as possible and feet as close to hands as possible. Keep the hips up on the crab walk.

:20 Bear Crawl

:20 Pike Hold

:20 Crab Walk

:20 Pike Push-ups

:20 Plank Hold

Rest :10

:20 Pike Hold

Rest :10

:20 Handstand Hold

Rest :10

:30 Air Squats

:20 Bear Crawl

Rest :10

:20 Handstand Hold

Rest :10

:20 Wall Walk

Rest :10

:30 Air Squats

:20 Pike Push-ups or Push-ups

Rest :10

:20 Handstand Push-up Negatives

Rest :10

:20 Handstand Push-ups

Rest :10


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

For Time:

3:00 Handstand Hold

100 Squats

9 Wall Walks

100 Squats

30 Handstand Push-ups


For Time:

2:00 Handstand Hold

100 Squats

6 Wall Walks

100 Squats

15 Handstand Push-ups


For Time:

3:00 Plank Hold

70 Squats

:60 Bear Crawl

70 Squats

30 Push-ups

*18 Minutes

After Party

**2 Sets**

10 Single-Arm Ring Rows /Arm

:30 Ring Row Hold

– Use two hands to hold at the top of the ring row hold

*10 minutes

Cool Down

**2 Sets**

:30 Banded Shoulder Stretch / Side

:30 Wrist Extension Stretch / Side