The Warm Belly Project needs our help! Please bring in any unwanted or unused warm clothing items, socks, blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, tents, etc. They are also looking for female sanitary items and toiletries such as toothbrushes and soap. Thank you!
🎄Our Christmas Party is back! Save the date – December 11th, 2021🎄
🎯 Goal Review Sessions are back! Have you booked yours? 🎯
CrossFit Belleville – WOD
:30sec x 2 RNDS
1) Bear Crawl
2) Walking Lunge
3) Crab Walk
4) Spiderman Crawl
5) Bunny Hops
6) Side Shuffle
##15 minutes##
**DB Power Snatch Review
-Transition on the ground.
-Transition in the air
-Muscle snatch version.
**Single-Leg Squat Review
– Squatting heel stays down and knee still tracks where the toe points.
-Squatting to a box, using a box to step up on, leg-behind single-leg squat.
**Pre-Workout Rope Climb & Pull-up Skill
– Identify the best scaling option
Metcon (Time)
– RX –
For Time:
4 Legless Rope Climbs (15-ft.)
40 Alternating Single-Leg Squats
40 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35#)
3 Legless Rope Climbs
30 Alternating Single-Leg Squats
30 Alternating DB Snatches
2 Legless Rope Climbs
20 Alternating Single-Leg Squats
20 Alternating DB Snatches
1 Legless Rope Climbs
10 Alternating Single-Leg Squats
10 Alternating DB Snatches
For Time:
4 Rope Climbs (15-ft.)
20 Alternating Single-Leg Squats
40 Alternating DB Snatches (35/20#)
3 Rope Climbs
20 Alternating Single-Leg Squats
30 Alternating DB Snatches
2 Rope Climbs
10 Alternating Single-Leg Squats
20 Alternating DB Snatches
1 Rope Climbs
10 Alternating Single-Leg Squats
10 Alternating DB Snatches
For Time:
15 Assisted Strict Pull-ups
20 Alternating Single-Leg Squats to a Box
40 Alternating DB Snatches (20/10#)
12 Assisted Strict Pull-ups
20 Alternating Single-Leg Squats to a Box
30 Alternating DB Snatches
9 Assisted Strict Pull-ups
10 Alternating Single-Leg Squats to a Box
20 Alternating DB Snatches
6 Assisted Strict Pull-ups
10 Alternating Single-Leg Squats to a Box
10 Alternating DB Snatches
*20 minutes
1:00 L-Sit Hold
50 Seated Leg-Lifts Over DB
*10 minutes
Cool Down
3 Sets:
:30 Wrist Extension Stretch / Side
:30 Supine Snow Angel