Take it out

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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2 Rounds

10 single-unders

10 single-unders (run in place)

10 single-unders (side-to-side jump)

10 single-unders (front-to-back jump)

10 single-unders / leg

**Then On a 5:00 clock**

5 kip swings

10 single-unders

10 single-unders (run in place)

5 kipping knees-to-chest

10 single-unders (side-to-side jump)

10 single-unders (front-to-back jump)

5 kipping knees-to-armpits



Min. 1 | 3 wall squats

Min. 2 | :30 double-under practice

Metcon Prep

**1 set**

:30 toes-to-bars // more aggressive press down against the pull-up bar in the back swing

2 DB front squats (workout weight)

2 DB push presses

2 DB thrusters

**1 set**

:30 toes-to-bars // after completing a rep, get the feet back behind the pull-up bar and the chest forward of the pull-up bar as fast as possible.

2 DB front squats (workout weight)

2 DB push presses

2 DB thrusters

**1 set**

:30 toes-to-bars // keep your mid-section as tight as possible throughout the entire range of motion. Getting loose causes us to lose the swing.

2 DB front squats (workout weight)

2 DB push presses

2 DB thrusters

*Rest 90 sec between sets


Crossfit Games Open 20.2 (Ages 16-54) (AMRAP – Reps)

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

4 dumbbell thrusters

6 toes-to-bars

24 double-unders

50-lb/35-lb dumbbells


4 DB thrusters (35/20 lb)

6 toes-to-bars

24 double-unders



4 DB thrusters (20/10 lb)

6 hanging knee raises

24 single-unders

Cool Down


1:00 frog stretch

1:00 banded shoulder stretch / side