There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.


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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


**2 sets**

:30 single-unders

10 push-ups

10 air squats

10 good mornings (empty barbell)

10 high pulls (empty barbell)

**2 sets**

:15 double-under practice

10 arm swings across

10 arm swings overhead

10 front-rack lunges (empty barbell)

10 shoulder presses (empty barbell)

Specific Warm up

**Barbell Review

5 Reps each

1) Front squat // Active shoulder and elbows up

2) Push press // Vertical dip-drive

3) Clean and jerk // Hip extension for both movements


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

For time:

100 double-unders

21 front squats (115/75 lb)

21 push presses (115/75 lb)

100 double-unders

15 front squats

15 push presses

100 double-unders

9 front squats

9 push presses

*Use DBs instead of Bar

*Mountain Climbers instead or Double Unders

*15 minutes


Clean and Jerk (Every 90 sec x 9 sets x 1 rep)

*Builod to a 1RM

Cool Down

3 sets:

:30 couch stretch / side

:30 foam roll lower back

:30 foam roll lats / side