Our Zoom Classes begin Jan 6th! Check your email or Facebook for the link. Can’t wait to see you all!
CrossFit Belleville – WOD
1:00 cal. row (easy pace – 18-22 stroke rate)
10 Samson lunges + 10 scorpions
1:00 cal. row (moderate pace – 20-24 stroke rate)
10 lateral lunges + 10 scap pulls
1:00 cal. row (workout pace – 24-30 stroke rate)
10 push-ups + 10 kip swings
*Sub Row with Bike or Burpees
Open Prep
8 sets for reps:
:20 alternating DB snatches
– Rest :10
On a 6:00 clock:
Build up to a max-height box jump
Every :30 x 10 sets:
3 deadlifts
– Perform 3-reps unbroken
– Use at least 50% of your 1-rep max
Metcon (No Measure)
– RX –
4 rounds for reps:
3:00-cal. row/ bike/ burpees
1:00 muscle-ups/ pull ups/ ring rows/ bent over rows
Cash Out
2 sets:
15 reach, roll, and lift
:30 sit and reach stretch