No matter what


🌟 It’s your time to shine! Our Intramural Open starts February 24th! Have you signed up? 🌟

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


**On a 6:00 clock:**

10 leg swings/leg

10 over the fence drills

10 narrow-stance squats

10 single-unders

5 single-single-doubles

:15 max reps double-unders

**1 set:**

10 step-back lunges

10 step-back lunges off a plate

8 heel-hooked squats

6 single-leg squats off a box

6 single-leg squats


Front Squat (EMOM 12 x 1 )

*Build on weight


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

10 single-leg squats

20 double-unders

20 single-leg squats

40 double-unders

30 single-leg squats

60 double-unders

40 single-leg squats

80 double-unders

50 single-leg squats

100 double-unders


10 single-leg squats to a box

:30 double-unders

20 single-leg squats to a box

:30 double-unders

30 single-leg squats to a box

1:00 double-unders

40 single-leg squats to a box

1:00 double-unders

50 single-leg squats to a box

1:00 double-unders


10 air squats

:30 single-unders

20 air squats

:30 single-unders

30 air squats

1:00 single-unders

40 air squats

1:00 single-unders

50 air squats

1:00 single-unders

*20 minutes

Cool Down


1:00 couch stretch/side

1:00 quad foam roll/side
