CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**2 sets:**
10 wide-grip bent-over rows
10 wide-grip high pulls
10 front-rack lunges
10 strict presses
10 scap pull-ups
– Use an empty barbell.
**2 sets:
5 behind-the-neck strict presses (empty barbell)
**4 sets:**
5 behind-the-neck strict presses
– Lift once every 1:30.
-Build on weight
Metcon Prep
1) Push press // Vertical torso on the way down, drive through the heels on the way up
2) Top-to-top push press // Lower with the arms in slow motion, then dip-drive-press as soon as the bar touches the shoulder
**Weighted Strict Pull-up Review
Weight in between legs
Scaling: Load, strict pull-ups, feet-elevated ring rows
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
– RX –
5 x 3:00 rounds:
10 push presses (105/155 lb)
Max-rep weighted strict pull-ups
– 2:00 rest between rounds
5 x 3:00 rounds:
10 push presses (75/115 lb)
Max-rep strict pull-ups
– 2:00 rest between rounds
5 x 3:00 rounds:
10 push presses (35/45 lb)
Max-rep ring rows
– 2:00 rest between rounds
Cool Down
30 reach, roll, and lift