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We’ve partnered up with Nutrition Coach Cheryl Borecky from Move Eat Play! Interested in learning more? Chat with a coach today!
🥂 Our Mother’s Day WOD + Mimosas is back May 8th! If you are a mom, have a mom, know a mom, then come celebrate with us! 🥂

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


**3 sets:** / ** 6 min**

30 alternating shoulder taps (15/arm)

20 hollow rocks

10 broad jumps

Specific Warm up

**Wall-Walk Progression / Review **

**Strict Toes-to-bars Progression | Review**

*10 minutes


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

For time:

10 wall walks

30 box jumps (20/24 in)

30 strict knees-to-elbows

30 box jumps

30 strict toes-to-bars

30 box jumps

10 wall walks


For time:

5 wall walks

30 box jumps (20/24 in)

20 strict knees-to-elbows

30 box jumps

20 strict toes-to-bars

30 box jumps

5 wall walks


For time:

10 inchworms on a box

20 box jumps (12/20 in)

20 hanging knee raises

20 box jumps (12/20 in)

20 hanging knee raises

20 box jumps (12/20 in)

10 inchworms on a box

*18 minutes


20 sets for distance:

:20 row, bike, or ski

– Rest :10

Cool Down

2:00 reach, roll, and lift