You’re a 10!


🧈🍞 Bring a Friend Day is back next week for #NationalBestFriendsDay! All Classes, Wednesday, June 8th 🍓🥜
☀️🍔 Join Nutrition Coach Cheryl Borecky as she goes LIVE June 14th at 8PM on our Facebook Community Group to chat all things Summer! 🍔☀️

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**2 sets:

:30 alternating Samson

– Rest :15

:30 lateral hand shuffle + push-up

– Rest :15

:30 wall squats

– Rest :15

Specific Warm up

**Thruster Review | 7:00**

**Progression // Focus**

1) 5 front squats // Maintain a full grip on the bar without letting the elbows touch the knees.

2) 5 wide-stance push presses // Use the legs to drive the bar overhead.

3) 5 thrusters // Hips back on the way down, chest up on the way up.

4) 5 top-to-top thrusters // Start at the top, lower to the shoulders with a :03 tempo, then immediately initiate the next rep.


Thruster (8 x 2)

* The first working set should be near 70% of an 1-rep thruster. From there, make small jumps as you build across 8 sets.

* We’re going to lift once every 2:30

* We want to build to a technically sound 2-rep max. That may mean the heaviest load lifted today is 5-10 lb under what we could get overhead.

* Barbells will be taken from the rack to work with heavier loads.


Metcon (Distance)

6 sets:

1:20 total distance on any machine

– Rest :40 between sets. Aim for consistency across all sets.

– Your score is the total distance accumulated across the 6 sets.

Cool Down


30 alternating scorpion stretches

1:00 piriformis stretch/side