Friends offer free therapy


🧈🍞 Bring a Friend Day is back next week for #NationalBestFriendsDay! All Classes, Wednesday, June 8th πŸ“πŸ₯œ
β˜€οΈπŸ” Join Nutrition Coach Cheryl Borecky as she goes LIVE June 14th at 8PM on our Facebook Community Group to chat all things Summer! πŸ”β˜€οΈ

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**1 set**

P1:bike (easy pace)

P2:5 single-arm ring rows/arm

20 bicycle crunches

**1 set**

P1:bike (add 5-10 RPMs)

P2:10 ring rows or lip swings

10 laying toes-to-bars (hands hold on to DB)

**1 set**

P1:bike (add 5-10 RPMs)

P2:5 strict pull-ups or ring rows

10 weighted sit-ups

Specific Warm up

**Rope Climb Review and Practice**

**Progression // Focus**

1 minute per progression

1) Rope pull-to-stand // Pulling strength

2) Footlock // Demo

3) Hang + footlock // Able to hold body weight while you establishe footlock. Bring knees up as high as possible before footlock.

4) Footlock + 1 pull // Stand up on a secure footlock, then reach as high as possible for the next pull. Then establish the next footlock.

5) Rope climb practice or scaling practice (*Close-grip strict pull-ups, alternating single-arm ring rows, pull-to-stand)


We are more than friends. We’re like a really small gang. (Time)

5 Rounds

4 Rope Climbs

20 Partner Sit ups (feet interlocked/toss wallball)

12 Bike Cal

*20 minutes


EMOM 10:

10 alternating single-leg squats

– Rest with the remaining time in the minute.

– If you are able to perform 10 reps smoothly and without issue, consider adding load by holding a single dumbbell.

*scaling options: box pistols, bench, reverse lunges


*8 minutes*

**with your partner Accumulate**

60 weighted dips

* Use a dumbbell or medicine ball to add load to the dips.

* If you need to scale the dip, add a band or use the feet for assistance. However, because this skill work is meant to help build strength, don’t

make the scaling option too easy. You should be able to perform 5-7 reps at a time.

* You can choose to perform the dips on the rings, static straight bars or boxes.

Cool Down

**3 sets**

:30 cobra stretch

:30 alternating scorpion stretch