CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**2 sets**
:20 row
– Rest :10
:20 shoulder taps in plank
– Rest :10
**2 sets**
:20 row
– Rest :10
:20 push-ups
– Rest :10
Specific Warm up
**Shoulder Press Review and Buildup
Use a barbell.
1) Standing up tall with feet under the hips.
2) Bar in the rack position.
3) Hands outside the shoulders.
4) Full grip on the bar.
5) Elbows in front of the bar.
1) Press x 2 Pulling the chin back and pressing the bar straight up.
2) Press x 2 Finish with the bar directly overhead.
3) Press x 2 Keep the bar as close to the body as possible while pressing.
4) Press x 2 Return the bar to the rack from overhead. Elbows stay in front of the bar.
**3 sets**
* Increase load across as many sets as possible.
3 shoulder presses
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
Metcon (Time)
– RX –
For time:
400/500-m row
25 shoulder presses (75/115 lb)
400/500-m row
15 shoulder presses
400/500-m row
10 shoulder presses
400/500-m row
– Each time the athlete breaks a set of shoulder presses they must row 100 m.
For time:
300/400-m row
25 shoulder presses (65/95 lb)
300/400-m row
15 shoulder presses
300/400-m row
10 shoulder presses
300/400-m row
– Each time the athlete breaks a set of shoulder presses they must row 100 m.
For time:
200/250-m row
15 shoulder presses (55/75 lb)
200/250-m row
10 shoulder presses
200/250-m row
5 shoulder presses
200/250-m row
– Each time the athlete breaks a set of shoulder presses they must row 100 m.
*20 minutes
**2 sets**
15 KB side-bends/arm
Max-reps strict ring dips
*10 minutes
*Rest 2 minutes between sets
Shoulder Health
**2 sets**
10 Cuban presses (PVC)
10 Y-raises (use small plates)
10 T-raises (use small plates)