“Don’t set your heart on so many things.” – Epictetus


Tshirt/Tank Deadline is this Friday! Let your coach know!

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


0:30 Bike

0:30 Active Samson Stretch

0:30 Bike

0:30 Cossack Squats

0:30 Pigeon Pose (right side)

0:30 Pigeon Pose (left side)


**with an empty barbell**

5 Pausing Back Squats

5 Back Squats

[Bracing through the whole movement, gather and hold your breath on the way down, then releas that air on the way back up.]


Back Squat (Build to a 1RM)

*15 min


My Leg! (AMRAP – Reps)

15 Minutes For Total Reps:

5 Minute Bike Calories

4 Minute Air Squats

3 Minute Double Unders

2 Minute Toes to Bar

1 Minute Burpee to Target


Not an Option (3 Rounds for weight)

Unbroken Sets For Load:

15-12-9 Power Cleans

Rest As Needed Between Sets
*12 minutes

Cool Down

1:00 Couch Stretch (each side)