Everything will fall into place


🍂 “Tips to get you back into your Nutrition Routine this Fall” Join Coach Cheryl Borecky Tuesday, August 30th at 8PM on our Facebook Community Page for her next LIVE chat! 🍂

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


0:30 Bike

0:30 Active Samson Stretch

0:30 Push-Up to Down Dog

0:30 Bike

0:30 Hollow Hold

0:30 Arch/Superman Hold

0:30 Bike

0:30 PVC Pass Throughs


**with a PVC**

5 PVC Snatch Grip Deadlifts

[Shoulders set back, keep PVC close]

5 PVC Snatch Grip High Pulls

[Hips Extend then arms pull, Elbows high and outside]

5 PVC Hang Power Snatches

[Pull, turnover, punch]

**with an empty barbell**

5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts

[Shoulders set back, keep PVC close]

5 Snatch Grip High Pulls

[Hips Extend then arms pull, Elbows high and outside]

5 Hang Power Snatches

[Pull, turnover, punch]

5 Power Snatches

[When cycling hit the same positions on the way down as on the way up]

**get workout weight on the bar [3:00]**


Power Snatch (5 x 3)

*Build to a heavy but goodlooking set

*15 Minutes


Fun & Games (AMRAP – Reps)

[0:00 – 2:00]

1,000/800 Meter Bike

Max Power Snatches

Rest 1 Minute

[3:00 – 6:00]

1,500/1,200 Meter Bike

Max Power Snatches

Rest 2 Minutes

[8:00 – 12:00]

2,000/1,500 Meter Bike

Max Power Snatches

Rest 2 Minutes

[14:00 – 17:00]

1,500/1200 Meter Bike

Max Power Snatches

Rest 1 Minute

[18:00 – 20:00]

1,000/800 Meter Bike

Max Power Snatches

Barbell: (135/95)

*Score = Total Barbell Reps

Cool Down

1:00 Up Dog