Goal reviews


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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard



5 up-downs

5 strict presses (35/45 lb)

3 ring rows

5 push presses (35/45 lb)

**3 sets**

2 strict presses

2 push presses

2 push jerks

*add weight every set*


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

– RX –

For total reps:

3 sets of shoulder presses (2/3 bodyweight)

3 sets of strict pull-ups

3 sets of push presses (2/3 bodyweight)

3 sets of strict pull-ups

3 sets of push jerks (2/3 bodyweight)

3 sets of strict pull-ups


For total reps:

3 sets of shoulder presses (65/95 lb)

3 sets of strict pull-ups

3 sets of push presses (65/95 lb)

3 sets of strict pull-ups

3 sets of push jerks (65/95 lb)

3 sets of strict pull-ups


For total reps:

3 sets of shoulder presses (35/45 lb)

3 sets of ring rows

3 sets of push presses (35/45 lb)

3 sets of ring rows

3 sets of push jerks (35/45 lb)

3 sets of ring rows

** every 90 seconds**

Cool Down

3 sets:

:30 supine snow angels

:30 prone snow angels

:30 scap push-ups