Hang in there

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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Warm up/Mobility

Row 200/180m

:30 Knee Hugs

:30 Leg Swings

Run 200m

:30 Lunge-Twist

:30 Arm Hugs & Circles

Row 200/180m

:30 Knuckle Draggers

:30 Frog Hops

Run 200m

Barbell Warmup #2 (No Measure)

5 Romanian Deadlifts

5 Hang Power Cleans

5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (Each Side)

5 Strict Press

5 Good Mornings


Bulldoze (2 Rounds for reps)

**AMRAP 5:**

Strict Press (95/65)

*On the Minute – 5 V-Ups*

Rest 2:00

**AMRAP 3:**

Push Press (115/80)

*On the Minute – 5 V-Ups*

Alter Ego (Time)

Every 3 Minutes x 10 Rounds:

[On the 0:00]: 500/450 Meter Row

[On the 3:00]:400 Meter Run

[On the 6:00]: 500/450 Meter Row

[On the 9:00]: 400 Meter Run

[On the 12:00]: 500/450 Meter Row

[On the 15:00]: 400 Meter Run

[On the 18:00]: 500/450 Meter Row

[On the 21:00]: 400 Meter Run

[On the 24:00]: 500/450 Meter Row

[On the 27:00]: 400 Meter Run

* Score = Sum total of all 10 rounds

Cool Down

1:00 Butterfly Stretch

1:00 Pigeon Pose (each side)