CrossFit Belleville – WOD
500m Jog
*3 Min
Group Abzzzzzzz
On a 5:00 clock:
Plank Hold
(Every :30 perform 5 sit-ups)
Buy In
**On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:**
30 Double Dumbbell Walking Lunge
(Dumbbells must be in proper rack position (Hands on handles))
*9 Min
5 Rounds for Quality:
5 Heavy Weighted Strict Pull Ups
(Hold a dumbbell between your feet or legs and cross your ankles)
* 12 Single Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (6 each arm)
*15 Min
Cash Out
400m DB Farmer Carry (50/35)
200m Run
*7 min
Accessory Work
Tabata Banded Curl
**Standing on a (light) band, hold it with both hands about hip width, your feet and hands should form a triangle**
**8 rounds **
* :20 CURLS!
* :10 “Rest” – Hold the Band at 90 degrees, forearms parallel to the floor
*4 Minutes
4 rounds: (Alternating Tabata)
* 20 Seconds of Plank Shoulder Taps
* 10 Second Rest
* 20 Seconds of a Hollow Hold
* 10 Second Rest
*4 Min