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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**AMRAP 6**

10 alternating Spiderman stretch

10 leg swings (across the body)/leg

10 alternating reverse lunges

5 squat therapy reps (use wall)

Specific Warm up

**Squat Clean Progression


X 3 Reps/ Empty Bar

1) Deadlift // Setup: Heels down, shoulders in front of the bar, visible lumbar arch.

2) Deadlift to mid-thigh // Mid-thigh position: heels down, shoulders in front of bar.

3) Deadlift and shrug // Keep the bar close and keep arms straight.

4) Muscle clean // Keep the bar close and punch hard overhead.

5) Front squat // Arms locked out and full range of motion.

6) Hang squat clean // Full extension before the squat.

7) Squat clean // Full extension before using the arms.


Hang Clean (EMOM 6 x 2)

*Building up

Hang Clean (1 RM)

**On a 5:00 clock**

Build up to a 1-rep hang squat clean


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

For reps:

1:00 squat cleans (115/165 lb)

Rest 3:00

1:00 squat cleans (125/185 lb)

Rest 3:00

1:00 squat cleans (135/205 lb)

Rest 3:00

1:00 squat cleans (115/165 lb)

Rest 3:00

1:00 squat cleans (125/185 lb)

Rest 3:00

1:00 squat cleans (135/205 lb)

Cool Down

**2 sets**

:30 alternating scorpion stretch

:30 pigeon stretch/leg