It always seems impossible until it’s done.

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**2 sets**

:30 toe-touches

:30 mountain climbers

:30 of 2 shoulder taps + 1 push-up

:30 PVC pass throughs

– Rest :30 between sets.

Specific Warm up

**Overhead Squat, Snatch Balance, and Hang Snatch Review

5 Reps with Empty BB

1) Overhead squat // Below parallel, hips back and knees out, active shoulder with weight in heels.

2) Snatch-grip push jerk // Jump off and land on the heels.

3) Snatch balance // Push up hard on the bar, land on the heels, push up as hard as possible.

4) Hang power snatch // Jump high and hard, land in the bottom of the overhead squat.


✔ Reduce load and build back up for each movement

Overhead Squat (3 x 5 every 2:30min)

Snatch Balance (3 x 3 every 2 minutes)

Hang Snatch (3 x 1 every 90 sec)


Back Squat (10 x 2 every 2 minutes)

✔ Aim for 85-90% of heaviest back squat.

Cool Down

**2 sets:**

:30 seated torso twist / leg

:30 frog stretch

:30 standing quad stretch / leg