…it’s just my body doesn’t work right anymore..


🎨 Ladies! This one is for you! Join us for a Paint Night on Friday, April 22nd with local artist Angela Jane Lavendar. $35 pp. RSVP by April 15th. Bring your own bevies and snacks to share! 🎨
We’ve partnered up with Nutrition Coach Cheryl Borecky from Move Eat Play! Interested in learning more? Chat with a coach today!

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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2 sets:

:30 up downs/burpees

:30 back-rack alternating elbow rotations

:30 front-rack alternating elbow rotations

:30 front-rack elbow rotations

:30 squat therapy

1) 3 front-squat initiations // Elbows up as the hips push back.

2) 3 above-parallel front squats // Hold just above parallel and elbows up.

3) 5 front squats // Elbows up at the bottom of the squat. // Push the elbows up toward the ceiling throughout the squat.

*8 minutes

✔ Build to a heavy single in the warm-up and stay there for all 7 sets.


Front Squat (7 x 1 )

Every 2 minutes



10 (legless) rope climbs

*12 minutes


5 sets:

10 KB side bends/side

1:00 double KB front-rack hold

*10 minutes

Cool Down

**2 sets:**

:30 frog stretch

:30 couch stretch/leg