Keep doing what you doing

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**Set 1**

Row = 70m

Penalty = 3x Jumping Jacks

**Set 2**

Row = 100m

Penalty = Burpees

**Set 3**

Row = 80m

Penalty = Ring Rows

**Set 4**

Row = 110m

Penalty = Jumping Pull-ups

**Set 5**

Row = 120m

Penalty = Strict or banded pull-ups

5 Minutes

1) Position on the Pull-up Bar // Grip and Active hang on bar

2) Kip Swing // Fast transition between hollow and arch body positions

3) 2 Kip Swings + 1 Pull-up // Aggressive press down/rapid close of the hip/chin over bar

4) 2 Kip Swings + 1 Pull-up + 2 Kip Swings // Push away from the top of the pull-up

5) Multiple Pull-ups // Aggressive press down and push away into the next rep


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

10 Sets For Time:

3 Weighted Pull-ups (45/30#)

5 Strict Pull-ups

7 Kipping Pull-ups


10 Sets For Time:

3 Weighted Pull-ups (20/14#)

3 Strict Pull-ups

7 Kipping Pull-ups


10 Sets For Time:

8 Ring Rows

7 Jumping Pull-ups

*25 minutes



3:00 L-Sit Hold


3 Sets:

15 DB Weighted Sit-ups

15 Hollow Rocks

*10 Minutes

Cool Down

:30 Supine Snow Angels

:30 Prone Snow Angels

:30 Scap Push-ups