Let it out

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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Warm up/Mobility

1 Minute of Rowing

30 Seconds of Inchworm to Push-up

20 Second Hollow Hold

1 Minute of Rowing

30 Seconds of Shoulder Taps

20 Second Superman Hold


30 Second Calf Stretch on Post/Box/Rower (each side)

45 Seconds of Child Pose


Falling off (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Row 250/200m

3 Wall Walks

14 Pistols

After Party

4 Rounds for Quality:

6 x :10 Tempo Push-Ups (:5 Down, :5 Up)

(Elevate hands on an object and maintain plank to scale down the difficulty)

30 Second Hollow Hold

*12 Min

Cool Down

Turn Back Stretch: 1 Minute Each Side

Overhead Stretch on Wall: 1 Minute

Up Dog: 1 Minute