Light the fire

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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On a 8:00 Clock

3 Sets:

12 Weighted Single-Leg Squats

12 Alternating Reverse Lunges

1:00 Hollow Hold

**Front Squat Loading | 10:00**

**1 Set x 7 Reps, empty barbell**

**3 Sets x 5 Reps, increasing weight**

**1 Set x 7 Reps, moderate weight or desired starting weight**

Front Squat (Every 2 minutes )


*1) 10 reps = 60%+

2) 5 reps = 70%+

3) 3 reps = 80%+

4) 1 rep = 90%+

* Try to lift heavier in the back half of the workout or at least the same weight as the front half of the workout. Singles in the middle of the workout should not be PR attempts.



16 Rounds For Calories:

:10 Calorie Row or Bike

– Rest :20

Cool Down

**3 Sets**

:30 Groiner Stretch / Side

:30 Couch Stretch / Side