Make time..


Fran is back! Spot Fran, the elf, snap a pic and share to Facebook and/or Instagram but don’t forget to tag us @crossfitbelleville so we can enter your name into the prize draw every week! Every Sunday, we will draw a name and let you choose a $25 gift card to your favourite local small business! *No repeat winners*

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


1) Partial Kick-up // Keep arms straight, kick up halfway

:30 Single Unders or Double Unders

2) Shoulder Taps in Pike // Hips higher than shoulders

:30 Single Unders or Double Unders

3) Shoulder Taps, Feet on Box // Move hands closer or further from the box to increase or decrease difficulty

:30 Single Unders or Double Unders

4) Handstand Walk Around Box // Fingertips point forward, pressing the arms hard toward the ground

:30 Single Unders or Double Unders

5) Handstand Hold // Keep feet close together, press away as hard as possible from the floor

:30 Single Unders or Double Unders


2:00 Max Double Unders


4:00 Max Distance Handstand Walk or Hold


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

5 Rounds For Time With a Partner:

50 Double Unders (each)

20 Single-Arm Overhead Lunge (50/35#)


5 Rounds For Time With a Partner:

50 Double Unders (each)

20 Single-Arm Overhead Lunge (35/25#)


5 Rounds For Time With a Partner:

50 Single Unders (each)

20 Single-Arm Overhead Lunge (25/15#)

* 15 minutes

* Today’s workout is a sprint with your partner.

* In each round, both partners complete 50 double unders. Partner 1, then Partner 2. Once Partner 2 completes their double unders, both partners perform the 20 single-arm overhead lunges synchronized. The synchronization occurs when both partners knees hit the ground, then when both partners stand up between lunges.

Cool Down

**3 Sets**

:30 Fragon Stretch / Side

:30 Calf Stretch / Side

:30 Seated Torso Twist