CrossFit Belleville – WOD
Warm up/Mobility
Run 200m
:30 Lunge to Pass Through
:30 Knuckle Draggers
Run 100m
:30 PVC Cuban Press
:30 PVC Good Mornings
**PVC Burgener Warm-Up**
3 Down & Finish – “Speed through the middle”
3 Elbows High & Outside – “Keep the bar close”
3 Muscle Snatch – “Strong overhead” (or “turnover”)
3 Overhead Squats – “Press up”
6 Snatch Lands (2″/4″/6″) – 2 reps at each height – “Footwork”
6 Power Snatch – “Jump hard!”
[Empty Barbell]
6 Power Snatch
Power Snatch (6 x 2 Reps)
*Every 2 minutes
*Increase loads across each set
*Touch & Go
Remain Calm (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds:
30 Air Squats
200 Meter Run
In Time Remaining:
Max Power Snatches (115/85)
* Score = Number of power snatches completed at 10:00
Cool Down
1:00 Foam Roll – Back
1:00 Child’s Pose
1:00 Figure-4 (each side)