
CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**2 sets:**

:30 mountain climbers (fast)

– Rest :10

:30 good mornings (PVC)

– Rest :10

:30 overhead squats (PVC)

– Rest :10

Metcon Prep

**Deadlift points of performance // **

Light weight

1) Setup // Heels down, lumbar arched, and shoulders in front of the bar.

2) x 3 Straight bar path // Bar is always in contact with every part of the legs.

3) x 3 Constant torso angle and bar path // Knees pull back as the chest and bar rise at the same rate.

4) x 3 Active shoulders // Shoulder blades are neither slumped forward nor excessively pulled back, but stable in a neutral position.

5) x 3 Drive through the heels // Heels stay connected to the ground through 100% of the lift.

*6 minutes to build up to Metcon weight


Metcon (Time)

– RX –

For time:

20/27-cal. Bike

27 deadlifts (125/185 lb)

15/21-cal. Bike

21 deadlifts

10/15-cal. Bike

15 deadlifts

6/9-cal. Bike

9 deadlifts


For time:

20/27-cal. Bike

27 deadlifts (95/135 lb)

15/21-cal. Bike

21 deadlifts

10/15-cal. Bike

15 deadlifts

6/9-cal. Bike

9 deadlifts


For time:

10/15-cal. Bike

15 deadlifts (65/95 lb)

8/12-cal. Bike

12 deadlifts

6/9-cal. Bike

9 deadlifts

4/6-cal. Bike

6 deadlifts

*15 minutes


EMOM 10:

Minute 1 | :30 barbell bent-over rows

Minute 2 | :30 front rack barbell hold

Cool Down

**2 sets:**

1:00 Down Dog

:30 scorpion stretch/side