CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**Set 1:**
15 Pulls on the rower (Easy pace)
5 Squat Therapy reps against a wall (start an arms distance away)
**Set 2:**
15 Pulls on the rower (15-18 Strokes per minute pace)
5 Squat Therapy reps against a wall (move a few steps closer to the wall)
**Set 3:**
15 Pulls on the rower (18-20 Strokes per minute pace)
5 Squat Therapy reps against a wall (move a few steps closer to the wall)
**Set 4:**
15 Pulls on the rower (Below 25 Strokes per minute pace)
5 Squat Therapy reps against a wall (as close to the wall as possible while maintaining proper squat form)
Metcon (Time)
– RX –
For Time:
20 Pulls on the Rower
15 Wall Balls (20/14#)
– Row until you accumulate 2000/1600m
For Time:
20 Pulls on the Rower
15 Wall Balls (16/10#)
– Row until you accumulate 1600/1200m
For Time:
20 Pulls on the Rower
10 Wall Balls (10/8#)
– Row until you accumulate 1200/900m
*20 min
Minute 1 | :30 Shoulder Taps in Plank
Minute 2 | :30 Handstand Hold
Accessory Work
**3 Sets**
30 Russian Twists
20 Alternating Single-Leg Deadlifts (20/14#)
*10 minutes
Cool Down
1:00 Couch Stretch / Side
1:00 Quad Foam Roll /Side