Summer Throwdown



The following is a list of skills/weights to be used as a guide to help you decide which Division to choose. Note that there is no guarantee that these weights and movements will be programmed.

Athletes competing in the Rx Division should be able to complete most workouts as “Rx”, and all members of the team have the ability to complete the following movements/weights in a workout setting. Note these are not 1 Rep Max numbers, but skills/weights associated with the athlete repeating them in a workout.

All Basic Movements (including squatting below parallel, strict push ups)

Deadlift (225/155)

Power Clean (155/105)

Snatch (135/95)

Front Squat (155/105)

Thrusters and Overhead Squats (115/75)

Dumbell 50/35

Standard Box Heights (24/20)

Double Unders

Rope Climbs

Bar Muscle Ups/Ring Muscle Ups

Handstand Push Ups

C2B, Pull-ups and Toes to Bar


The following is a list of skills/weights to be used as a guide to help you decide which Division to choose. Note that there is no guarantee that these weights and movements will be programmed.

Athletes competing in the Scaled Division should be able to complete most workouts as “Scaled”, and all members of the team have the ability to complete the following movements/weights in a workout setting. Note these are not 1 Rep Max numbers, but skills/weights associated with the athlete repeating them in a workout.

All Basic Movements (including to parallel, knee push ups)

Deadlift (185/135)

Power Clean (115/85)

Snatch (95/55)

Front Squat (115/65)

Dumbell 35/20

Standard Box Heights (24/20)

Single Unders

Jumping Pull Ups

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