Take them out!


“We Love Our Members” BBQ is August 21st between 11am-1:30pm. There will be lots of food thanks to TruLocal and yard games! Feel free to bring your spouse, bf/gf, family, etc! PLEASE RSVP so we can prepare enough food!

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

View Public Whiteboard


**On a 5:00 Clock:**

10 Leg Swings / Side

5 KB Deadlifts

5 Kip Swings or Ring Rows

10 PVC Figure 8’s

**DB Front Rack Lunge Review | 6:00**

* Demo movement and scaling options

* Increase loading after each set up until the desired workout loading is reached.

**3 Sets:**

8 Unbroken DB Front Rack Lunges

**Pull-Ups** 6:00**

* Demo movement and scaling options

**2 Sets**

:20 Scap Pull Ups

:20 Scap circles

:20 Kipping Swings

:20 Pull ups


Keep It Under Wraps (Time)

– RX –

5 Rounds For Time:

20 DB Front Rack Lunge (50s/35s)

25 Pull-ups


5 Rounds For Time:

20 DB Front Rack Lunge (35s/25s)

20 Pull-ups


5 Rounds For Time:

20 DB Front Rack Lunge (15s/10s)

15 Assisted Pull-ups

*16 minutes

Accessory Work


50 DB Single-Arm Overhead Squats


50 DB Single-Arm Overhead Lunges

* Today’s skill work improves our high skill flexibility and range of motion.

* Performing these reps slowly will also help build our leg strength stamina.

* Pick a challenging option that allows you to keep your arm locked out throughout the entire range of motion.

*10 minutes