CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**4 sets**
:20 jumping jacks
– Rest :10
:20 burpees
– Rest :10
**EMOM 5**
3 wall walks
Metcon Prep
**Handstand Hold Practice
30 sec each
1) Plank hold // Tight core and actively pressing into the floor.
2) Pike hold // Bring feet as close to the hands as possible, while still pressing into the floor.
3) Pike hold with feet on a box // Elevate the feet on a box. Hips over the shoulders and ears should be in line with the biceps.
4) Handstand hold (stomach to the wall) // Progress as close to the wall as possible with arms locked out and core tight.
5) Handstand hold (back to the wall) // Kick up to the wall with arms locked out, core tight, and ears in line with the biceps.
**Toes-to-Bars Progression
30 sec each
1) Kip swing // Fast transition between hollow and arch body positions
2) 2 kip swings + 2 knees above hips // Knee up in the hollow position, aggressive press down in the back swing, lean back, and drive knees up
3) 2 kip swings + 1 toe-to-bar // Knees up and extend legs toward the bar
4) Multiple toes-to-bars // Continue to press down in the back swing of each rep
*Hollow hold/Hollow Rocks/Alternating V-ups/V-ups
Metcon (Time)
– RX –
5 rounds for time:
1:00 handstand hold
21 toes-to-bars/Knee Raises/Vups/Situps
*15 minutes
Cool Down
30 ATY drills
– Use 2.5 or 5-lb plates