CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**Set 1**
10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch
10 Med Ball Deadlift // Heels down, back flat, hips lower than shoulders
10 Med Ball Front Squat // Heels down, knees out, ball in front of face
**Set 2**
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Med Ball shrug & pull under // Shrug shoulders and pull down into front squat
10 Med Ball Push Press to target // Small dip, aggressive drive, toss ball to target
**Set 3**
20 Double Knee Tuck in Plank
10 Med Ball Cleans // Stand, shrug, pull under the ball
10 Wall Balls // Heels down, accelerate into toss, catch ball before squatting
**Set 4**
10 Med Ball Cleans // Hip extension, receive in a proper front squat
10 Wall Balls // Hips go back and down, keep ball up and in front of face
**Push Jerk Progression x 5reps**
1) Jump and Land (Hands at Sides) // Hip extension and footwork
2) Jump and Land (Hands at Shoulders) // Hip extension and vertical torso position
3) Jump, Punch, and Land with Arms Extended Overhead // Timing of the arms
4) Push Jerk with empty bar // Pulling head out of the way and drive under bar
Metcon Prep
**3 Sets** | 7:00
3 reps Hang Power Clean & Jerk
Bring it on (Weight)
7 Sets For Load:
3 Hang Power Clean & Jerks
*✔ Increase load across all 7 sets if possible. Finish with your heaviest load on set 6 or 7.
✔ Start at around 70%
✔Lift every 2:30 minutes
Pull up accessory work
**5 Sets For Load**
5 Strict Pull-ups
3 Strict Chin-ups
*12 minutes
Cool Down
3 Sets:
12 Lying Crossover Stretch
5 DB Windmills / Side (Light)