Our Zoom Classes begin Jan 6th! Check your email or Facebook for the link. Can’t wait to see you all!
CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**2 sets**
:30 single-unders
10 push-ups
10 air squats
10 good mornings (empty barbell)
10 high pulls (empty barbell)
**2 sets**
:15 double-under practice
10 arm swings across
10 arm swings overhead
10 front-rack lunges (empty barbell)
10 shoulder presses (empty barbell)
Specific Warm up
**Barbell Review
5 Reps each
1) Front squat // Active shoulder and elbows up
2) Push press // Vertical dip-drive
3) Clean and jerk // Hip extension for both movements
Metcon (Time)
– RX –
For time:
100 double-unders
21 front squats (115/75 lb)
21 push presses (115/75 lb)
100 double-unders
15 front squats
15 push presses
100 double-unders
9 front squats
9 push presses
*Use DBs instead of Bar
*Mountain Climbers instead or Double Unders
*15 minutes
Clean and Jerk (Every 90 sec x 9 sets x 1 rep)
*Builod to a 1RM
Cool Down
3 sets:
:30 couch stretch / side
:30 foam roll lower back
:30 foam roll lats / side