This is an individual game


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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**Set 1**

30 Jumping Jacks

20 Med-ball Air Squat

30 Skier Jacks

20 Med-ball Strict Press

10 Kipping Swings

**Set 2**

10 Ring Rows

20 Med-ball Thrusters

30 Russian Twist with Med ball

10 Ring Rows

20 Med-ball Thrusters

**Thruster Warm-up / Empty Barbell**

5 Reps each

“Muscle Clean // Open hips before pulling with arms.

” Front Squat // Full hand grip and elbows up away from thighs

” Push Press // Full hand grip, dip, drive, and press

” Thruster // Bar stays in contact with body, stand fast, and drive bar overhead


Thruster (EMOM 12 x 2)

Min 1 – 3 : Warm up

Min 4 – 6 : Build up to 70 %

Min 7 – 12 : same weight (70%)


Fran (Time)

Thrusters, 95# / 65#


3 Sets x 10 Strict Chin-ups


Cool Down

3 Sets:

:30 Prone Snow Angel Stretch

:30 Couch Stretch / Side