CrossFit Belleville – WOD
Rower – Fish Game
**AMRAP 6**
5 Alternating Spiderman Stretch
10 Leg Swings (across body) / Leg
5 Good Morning + Jump
20 Double Unders or Single Unders
5 Deadlifts
Weightlifting Prep
* 8 minutes to get to 60%
4 Sets Every 2:30 minutes
10 Deadlifts (60%)
1 Set For Reps:
1:00 Unbroken Deadlifts (60%)
– Use double overhand grip
Strokes (Time)
– RX –
5 Rounds For Time:
500/350m Row
– After each row, perform 2 double unders for each row pull taken to complete 500/350m
5 Rounds For Time:
500/350m Row
– After each row, perform 1 double under for each row pull taken to complete 500/350m
5 Rounds For Time:
350/200m Row
– After each row, perform 2 single unders for each row pull taken to complete 350/200m
*20 minutes
After Party
2:00 L-Sit Hold
50 V-ups
*8 minutes
Cool Down
3 Sets:
:30 Seated Hamstring Stretch / Leg
:30 Cobra Stretch