Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?!?

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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**2 sets**

:30 jump rope

8 Cossack squats

8 over the fence

8 DB RDLs (light)

8 DB strict presses (light)

8 Step Ups

8 Up Downs

Open Prep

4 sets for reps:

:20 Double Unders

:40 Rest


8 box-facing burpees (20/24 in)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

– RX –

5 Rounds x 2:00

20 DBL DB box step-ups (35/50 lb) (16/20 in)

Max reps of DBL DB push presses

– Rest 2:00 between rounds


5 x 2:00

20 DBL DB box step-ups (20/35 lb) (16/20 in)

Max reps of DBL DB push presses

– Rest 2:00 between rounds


5 x 2:00

20 DBL DB box step-ups (16/20 in)

Max reps of DBL DB push presses (10/20 lb)

– Rest 2:00 between rounds

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

– RX –

5 Rounds x 2:00

20 DBL DB box step-ups (35/50 lb) (16/20 in)

Max reps of DBL DB push presses

– Rest 2:00 between rounds


5 x 2:00

20 DBL DB box step-ups (20/35 lb) (16/20 in)

Max reps of DBL DB push presses

– Rest 2:00 between rounds


5 x 2:00

20 DBL DB box step-ups (16/20 in)

Max reps of DBL DB push presses (10/20 lb)

– Rest 2:00 between rounds

Cool Down

**3 sets:**

:30 reach, roll, and lift

30 banded pull-aparts