“What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.”

CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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0:30 Active Samson Stretch

0:30 Jumping Jacks

0:30 Plank Shoulder Taps

0:30 Knuckle Draggers

0:30 Inchworm to Push-Up

0:30 Squat to Stand

0:30 Pec Stretch on wall (left side)

0:30 Pec Stretch on wall (right side)


**with an empty barbell**

0:15 Good Mornings

0:15 Elbow Rotations

0:15 Back Squats

0:15 Strict Presses

0:15 Stiff Legged Deadlifts

0:15 Front Squats

2 Strict Presses, Pausing at eye level

[Head moving back out of the way to maintain strict bar path]

3 Strict Presses, Pausing overhead

[Lockout and midline position, no ribs sticking out, butt squeezed]


Shoulder Press (5 x 2)

*Lift every 90sec

*Score will be the lowest weight used in a working set.


Tenfold (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


30 Double Unders

1 Thruster

30 Double Unders

2 Thrusters

Add 1 Thruster Each Round

Barbell RX: (95/65)

Barbell L2: (75/55)

Barbell L1: (55/35)


Shoulder burn (Time)


Handstand Push-ups

After Each Set:

30m. Farmers Carry (50s/35s)

15 min cap

Cool Down

1:00 Child’s Pose