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CrossFit Belleville – WOD

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30 Jumping Jacks

10 Back Squats (45/35#)

20 Mountain Climbers

10 Strict Presses (45/35#)

20 Tuck Jumps

10 Deadlifts (45/35#)

20 Alternating Cossack Squats

Back Squat (Every 2 minutes)


* 10 reps = 60%+

* 8 reps = 70%+

* 6 reps = 75-80%

* 4 reps = 80%+

* 2 reps = 90%+

” 8 minutes to get to starting weight”

Shoulder Press (Every 2 minutes)


* 10 reps = 60%+

* 8 reps = 70%+

* 6 reps = 75-80%

* 4 reps = 80%+

* 2 reps = 90%+

”6 minutes to get to starting weight”

Deadlift (Every 2 minutes )


* 10 reps = 60%+

* 8 reps = 70%+

* 6 reps = 75-80%

* 4 reps = 80%+

* 2 reps = 90%+

”8 minutes to get to starting weight”

Cool Down


1:30 Seated Torso Twist / Side

1:00 Couch Stretch / Side