CrossFit Belleville – WOD
On a 5:00 Clock:
:20 Row, Bike, or Ski (moderate to fast pace)
10 Alternating Samson Stretch
5 Staggered Stance Good Mornings / Leg
5 Sit-ups (workout standard)
Empty Barbell
5 Romanian Deadlift
5 Front Squat
5 Deadlift
5 minutes to get to Metcon weight
SeRene (Time)
– RX –
3 Rounds For Time:
1000m Run
50 Sit-ups
25 Deadlifts (185/125#)
– Rest 2:00 between rounds
– Time Cap = 30:00
3 Rounds For Time:
1000m Run
50 Sit-ups
25 Deadlifts (135/95#)
– Rest 2:00 between rounds
3 Rounds For Time:
600m Run
25 Sit-ups
15 Deadlifts (75/55#)
– Rest 2:00 between rounds
3 Sets:
1:00 Pike Hold
– Rest 1:00
:30 Wall Facing Handstand Hold
100 Shoulder Taps in Plank
*12 Minutes
Cool Down
2 Sets:
:30 Cat Cow Stretch
:30 Standing Hamstring Stretch / Side
:30 Supine Hamstring Stretch / Side