CrossFit Belleville – WOD
**3 sets**
:20 jumping jacks
– Rest :10
:20 up-downs
– Rest :10
Tall Snatch (Every 2 minutes x 6)
– 3 Tall snatches
– Use 20-40% of 1-rep snatch.
**On an 8:00 clock**
Handstand walk/wall walk practice
* Beginner: 1 wall walk every minute (8 attempts)
* Intermediate: :40 handstand walk every other minute (4 attempts)
* Advanced: Max unbroken handstand walk every other minute (4 attempts)
*10 minutes to build up to first set weight
Push Jerk (5 x 5)
* Every 2:30 minutes
* Start your first lift around 65% and build to around 85% of your best push jerk. Or challenge yourself to hold around 80%+ across all 5 sets.
Cool Down
**1 set**
1:30 lat/side delt foam roll/arm
1:30 T-spine foam roll with arms overhead